Hard Vacuum Transfer

A technique usually describing the physical act of movement from point to point within the hard vacuum of space while not suited/protected. This technique is incredibly dangerous and can cause permanent damage and or death. the time spent unprotected in the hard vacuum is critical to the success of the technique, the times do slightly vary for belters and martians who have been known to be able to tolerate up to a 1 minute hard vacuum transfer (although this is disputed) loss of consciousness is the first and major obstacle faced, this can occur within 15 seconds, so performing a Hard Vacuum Transfer that lasts longer than 10 seconds is not advised. even if consciousness is lost up to 90 seconds exposed to the hard vacuum is considered surviable, although completing the transfer is another matter. Hard Vacuum Transfers will cause the gases to be expelled, this can trigger defecation, urination and vomiting, exposed skin will often start to produce an ice layer as the body will expand and swell signifigantly although exploding bodies is a myth as the skin is strong enough to prevent this. at this stage, even with some quite signifigant damage and looking like an inflated human ball, if the hard vacuum is removed and normal pressure returned a full recovery can be made. If a Hard Vacuum Transfer lasts longer than 90 seconds, it is usually considered fatal.
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